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NEWSLETTER | June 2020

Global CCS Institute welcomes the 20th and 21st large-scale CCS facilities into operation

In a signifcant milestone of CCS deployment, two industrial plants in Canada, connected to the now operational Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL), have become the world’s 20th and 21st large-scale carbon capture and storage facilities in operation. The two facilities have a combined capture and storage capacity of around 1.6 million tonnes per annum. At full capacity, the ACTL could become the largest CCS network in the world.



New Global CCS Institute flagship report on the Value of CCS

The Institute's latest thought leadership report focuses on the value CCS creates for society.  The report analyses major benefits of investment and deployment of CCS and discusses the existing evidence related to the value of CCS under two overarching themes: as an essential technology to economically meet long-term climate targets and for risk mitigation and as a driver of economic growth and employment.


Watch our latest CCS Webinars

We hosted three CCS Talks in May on CCS around the world. Rewatch the webinars: 

- The European Green Deal & CCS: Fireside Chat with DG CLIMA's Artur Runge-Metzger
- The Value of Carbon Capture and Storage
- Scaling up the CCS Market to deliver Net-Zero Emissions


New brief on CCS Development in Southeast Asia

In recent decades, Southeast Asia has been one of fastest growing regions of the world. Its energy demand has grown more than 80 per cent from 2000. Oil, coal and gas provides more than 70 per cent of its energy. With the region's power generation fuel mix and rapidly growing natural gas production, alongside established and emerging emissions reduction committments, CCS has a unique and critical role to play. In this paper, Institute’s Senior Client Engagement Lead Dr Tony Zhang, discusses why Southeast Asia needs CCS, the specific drivers behind the opportunities for accelerated deployment and the critical role of CCS hub and cluster networks in reducing the region's emissions.



Positive CCS policy developments for Australia   

In positive developments towards the acceleration of CCS in Australia, the Federal government recently accepted all CCS related recommendations from a review into emissions reduction policy. In addition, a discussion paper for the development of a Technology Investment Roadmap signaled CCS will be a vital component of the Government's future emissions reduction policies.


New brief on CCS in the Oil & Gas Industry

As oil and gas companies are evolving their business models in the context of the energy transition, CCS has started to feature more prominently in their strategies and investments. In this paper, the Institute’s General Manager Guloren Turan discusses how CCS can support the oil and gas industry’s low-carbon transition and addresses current developments and opportunities in applications including gas processing, enhanced oil recovery, ethanol production, refining, low-carbon hydrogen production, gas-fired power generation, and direct air capture. 



Institute welcomes green light for Northern Lights

“This positive decision is not only a step in the right direction for CCS but also pushes ahead an urgently needed solution for European industrial emissions”, said Brad Page, CEO, Global CCS Institute, noting that the project will also generate significant number of jobs for Norwegian industry, with the projects partners estimating 57 percent of the investment going to Norwegian contractors.


Is CCS expensive? 

The argument most often brought forward against deployment of CCS is that it is an expensive way of reducing emissions. This paper discusses the cost of CCS in the context of the global energy transition to net-zero emissions, arguing that cost should not be a deterrent to investing in CCS nor dictate sequencing of the deployment of decarbonisation options. Instead, deployment will lead to cost reductions. 



 Virtual Institute Member Meeting in the US

On Wednesday, May 19th, the Global CCS Institute hosted a virtual North America Members meeting to stay connected with our membership during this time when in-person gatherings are not possible. The convening provided all of the participants the opportunity to stay up to speed on CCS developments and Institute activities, and to learn from their peers.  It was attended by more than 80 people representing 20+ Institute members.




Global CCS Institute
CCS Talks
The Technology Cost Curve
June 4 | Webinar

Carbon Market Institute
Carbon Conversations
CCS & Net-Zero Technology
June 5 | Webinar

Global CCS Institute
CCS Talks
Europe's next CCS facilities
June 18 | Webinar